Economic Settings: Product Recovery

An explanation of fields and properties


Economic Settings: Product Recovery

To access this dialog:

  • In the Economic Settings select a product tab.

These tabs are shown as part of the Processing Costs dialog. A tab will be shown for each product, allowing you to define recovery settings as a fraction of the total processing costs, or based on the results of a defined formula.

Field Details:

<Product> recovery: enter a recovery fraction (not a percentage) or use formula. Whether defined directly, or by a formula, recovery fraction can never exceed 1.

Fraction: used to enter a recovery fraction

Formula: used to define a formula. if Formula is selected the Fraction option is unavailable.When you define a formula for the first time the button is namedSet Formula...and from then on it is namedEdit Formula..

In some cases, formulae may not work properly if the decimal symbol is set to comma (,) rather than period (.) in the Windows Regional settings.


Additional (downstream) processing cost

Number: used to enter a monetary value per unit.

Formula: used to define a formula. When you define a formula for the first time the button is namedSet Formula...and from then on it is namedEdit Formula..

<Product> optional parameters

Include this ore type in the cut-off tests: if you have multiple products and have opted for direct control of cutoff grades, you can exclude some products from the tests. To exclude this product, clear this box.

Additional processing costs: to include downstream processing cost proportional to the recovered product mass; for example, smelter costs.

Minimum cutoff: the effective cutoff is set to the greater of two numbers; the value entered here and the Economic Cutoff. This option is available only with the ore tests other than Revenue exceeds Rehabilitation Costs.

Maximum cutoff: the effective cutoff is set to the smaller of two numbers; the value entered here and the Economic Cutoff. This option is available only for ore tests other than Revenue exceeds Rehabilitation Costs.

openbook.gif (910 bytes)

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Economic Settings: Processing
Economic Settings: Processing Costs